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Don't have an account? Choose an entry category below to begin. Logged in users may also click these to submit additional entries.

Returning Entrants: click here to access your past submissions or select a category from above to make an additional entry.

To access the Judges Portal, you will need to use the credentials sent to you by AAF National.

Judging may be hosted virtually. Please check with your local Chapter to verify requirements of physical entries. Requirement of physical entry submissions is at the discretion of the local AAF Chapter.

In some categories, entrants are allowed and/or required to upload additional digital examples of an entry. This is intended to provide more appropriate content for the judges, should a virtual judging solution be necessary. For most categories, there has been no change from prior competition years.

Please carefully follow all online submission guidelines provided within the entry system, in order to ensure that your work is properly represented during all three tiers of the American Advertising Awards competition.

Click below to submit your work


See eligibility requirements below to determine which competition you should be entering. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1) What is the American Advertising Awards? 
2) What's the difference between category 16 (Installations) and 17 (Events)? 
3) Should I be entering into a "special" category? 
4) Where can I find the official Rules & Categories 2023–2024 document with category descriptions and requirements?    (Students, click here)
5) Where can I find a list of past national winners?
6) Where can I find a list of past district winners? 

If you have additional questions, please send us a message via Facebook Messenger or email

Dates to remember

Friday, Dec. 15, 2023, 5 p.m. – EARLY BIRD Entry Deadline
Save $10 per entry if you submit your online entry by 5 p.m., Friday, Dec. 15, 2023.

Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2024, 11:59 p.m. –

Friday, Jan. 12,  2024, 11:59 p.m. – LATE Entry Deadline Entry Deadline extended to Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2024, 11:59 p.m.
We will be taking late entries this year with a late fee of $50.00 per entry received after Jan. 10, 2024.
Absolutely no entries will be accepted past Jan. 12, 2024
Jan. 16, 2024.

Saturday, Feb. 17, 2024 – Awards Gala
Details at https://aafspacecoast.org/aaf-awards-gala-2024/.

Entry fees

Professional entries: 
     AAF MEMBERS*: Single $95; Campaign $145
     NONMEMBERS: Single $175; Campaign $209 
     *The entrant must be a paid member of AAF Space Coast BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR ENTRIES to receive the member pricing.
     To become a member, please visit 

Student entries: 
     ALL*: Single $40; Campaign $40
     *Please review eligibility requirements before entering the student competition. 


Professional competition: 

  • All work entered in the American Advertising Awards competition must have first appeared between January 1, and December 31, 2023.

  • With the exceptions of Pro Bono Advertising and Advertising Industry Self Promotion categories, and student entries, work entered must have been the result of paid creative services and/or media placement in the normal course of business.

  • Entries must be submitted in the CBSA, DMA or MSA where the work was created (as defined by Arbitron or Nielsen for your local market). If multiple Ad Chapters are in the same CBSA (Core-Based Statistical Area), DMA (Designated Market Area) or MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) the Ad Chapter located nearest to the entrant geographically will be the entry site.

  • In the event there are entrants located in markets not served by a local American Advertising Awards-affiliated show, the acceptance, processing, judging, forwarding and fees of those entries will be decided by the governing body of the district in which the entrant is located. Additional geographic considerations are covered on page 6

  • See the Professional Rules & Categories for more details. 

Student competition: 

  • Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited U.S. post-secondary educational institution.

  • All worked entered into the competition must have been created between January 1 and December 31, 2023.

  • Work may be developed specifically for this competition or submitted from previous projects or competitions.

  • Work must be created while entrant is a student not employed in the advertising industry. Student intern work is eligible if it is not used by or paid for by a client. Work developed for paying clients will not be accepted.

  • Entries may be entered into only one local American Advertising Awards competition, which is determined by the location of the school at which the work was created. If an affiliated competition does not exist in the CBSA (Core-Based Statistical Area), DMA (Designated Market Area) or MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area), the district will direct the entrant to the nearest affiliated competition.

  • Recent graduates are eligible to enter as long as the entry was created while the entrant was a student during the 2022 calendar year and the entry meets all other requirements.

  • See the Student Rules & Categories for more details.