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Don't have an account? Choose an entry category below to begin. Logged in users may also click these to submit additional entries.

Returning Entrants: click here to access your past submissions or select a category from above to make an additional entry.

Judging for the American Advertising Awards will be conducted online.

In some categories, entrants are allowed and/or required to upload additional digital examples of an entry. This is intended to provide more appropriate content for the judges.

Please carefully follow all online submission guidelines provided within the entry system, to ensure that your work is properly represented during all three tiers of the American Advertising Awards competition.

Welcome to the American Advertising Awards competition!

All entries are virtual for 2025 for judging purposes. (Please ignore any mention of physical entries that may pop up in the software itself.) However, we will be requesting physical copies of award-winning work to display at the Awards ceremony itself, so keep them on hand!

Be sure to read all instructions thoroughly and carefully. If entries are not submitted properly they will not be judged.

Credit card payments may be made online upon completing online entries.  

Entry checklist:

  • Complete online entry
  • If you have questions you may email: president@mi-alliance.com or call Angelique DuPhene at InVerve Marketing, 517-485-7237.

Winners will be revealed and honored at the annual AAF Lansing awards ceremony. This Awards Ceremony will be held in person on in February. Information to follow!


Professional Entry Fees:

  • Professional AAF Lansing Member - Single entry: $95.00 // Campaign entry: $115.00
  • Professional Non-Member - Single entry: $145.00 // Campaign entry $165.00

If you would like to become a member to receive the discounted pricing on entries please join by visiting aaflansing.org



Student Entry Fees:

  • Student AAF Lansing (Local or National) Member - Single or campaign entry: $35.00 
  • Student Non-Member - Single or campaign entry: $55.00 

IMPORTANT NOTE TO STUDENTS: You must mark “AAF Student Member” as your AAF membership status on the entry form if you are a local club member. If you do not do so you will be charged the non-member amount. Information regarding student eligibility and submission entries is located in the section at the bottom of this page.

If you would like to become a member to receive the discounted pricing on entries please join by visiting aaflansing.org



Eligibility Requirements:

  • Applicants must be enrolled full or part-time in an accredited U.S. educational institution

  • Work must be developed specifically for this competition or submitted from previous projects or competitions. Work developed for paying clients will not be accepted with the exception of work created by clubs as fundraisers or work created for student publications.

  • Work must be created while the entrant is a student not employed in the advertising industry. Student interns are eligible.

Student Auto-forwarding: GOLD AAF winners will progress from Local Club Competitions and to our 6th District Competition and finally the National Competition with no additional fees to the student. SILVER AAF winners may choose to forward work at their cost with a $40 fee.

No information identifying the entrant should appear on the face of an entry, or within the title of video slates or online URLs for digital submissions.

Submission of entries acknowledges the right of the AAF to use them for publication, exhibition, and marketing of the American Advertising Awards competition and show.

A SINGLE-MEDIUM CAMPAIGN is no less than two and no more than four total pieces in the entry.

An INTEGRATED CAMPAIGN is defined as a campaign or series of ads, commercials or executions that utilize more than one medium. The American Advertising Awards allows entries in all Integrated Campaign categories to submit up to ten executions for judging. Integrated Campaign entries may be accompanied by a written or digital (video) summary not to exceed 250 words (written) or 3 minutes (digital). Digital summaries must be submitted by uploading the video file during the online entry process.

Failure to adhere to these limitations may result in a portion or all of the noncompliant entry to be removed from judging. 

Entry submission may be made entirely online, including submission of creative assets either via digital file uploads or submission of URLs for judging (carefully follow the submission instructions during the online entry process). Completion of the entry process requires only the online portion of the process—no physical work samples or entry forms are required for submission. 

For Websites and all Online/Interactive entries, submit the URL addresses. For multiple URLs in a campaign category entry, create a webpage that contains each of the individual links and provide the single URL to your newly created page, i.e.-http://www.somedomain.com/addy_entries.html. Do not submit a URL that leads directly to an “SWF” file.

Judging of online entries will be done online, using the URL whenever possible. URLs should not require any username or password for access. In cases where this already exists, the entrant should create an independent URL. URLs, banners, and menus must not contain any references to the entrant.