Online Entry
& Judging Portal
Don't have an account? Choose an entry category below to begin. Logged in users may also click these to submit additional entries.
Returning Entrants: click here to access your past submissions or select a category from above to make an additional entry.
Judging for the American Advertising Awards will be conducted online.
In some categories, entrants are allowed and/or required to upload additional digital examples of an entry. This is intended to provide more appropriate content for the judges.
Please carefully follow all online submission guidelines provided within the entry system, to ensure that your work is properly represented during all three tiers of the American Advertising Awards competition.
- All three tiers of the competition - local, district, and national - will be judged entirely online.
- Make sure that the file you upload to the entry site is the best representation of your work. This is what the judges will see when evaluating your entry.
- This year you can upload additional digital examples of your work to provide more appropriate content for our judges. Pay close attention to the rules, a written or digital (video) summary is required in some categories, such as Integrated Campaigns. To ensure that your work is properly represented, this year you can provide a summary in any category where you feel it's needed to best showcase your entry.
- Because judging will be done entirely online, please save your digital files using file names that are helpful in describing them. For example, for a social media campaign you might upload files named ABC_Company_Facebook, ABC_Company_Instagram, and ABC_Social_Campaign_Video_Summary.
The 2024-2025 American Advertising Awards Professional and Student Competitions are closed.
Winners and non-winners have been contacted.
We look forward to seeing you at the 60th Annual American Advertising Awards Nashville Chapter Awards Show, Saturday February 22, 2025 at Harken Hall, Madison, TN. Please visit the AAF Nashville Events page to register and purchase your tickets today!
>> Download the Professional Rules & Categories
>> Download the Student Rules & Categories