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Don't have an account? Choose an entry category below to begin. Logged in users may also click these to submit additional entries.

Returning Entrants: click here to access your past submissions or select a category from above to make an additional entry.

To access the Judges Portal, you will need to use the credentials sent to you by AAF National.

Judging may be hosted virtually. Please check with your local Chapter to verify requirements of physical entries. Requirement of physical entry submissions is at the discretion of the local AAF Chapter.

In some categories, entrants are allowed and/or required to upload additional digital examples of an entry. This is intended to provide more appropriate content for the judges, should a virtual judging solution be necessary. For most categories, there has been no change from prior competition years.

Please carefully follow all online submission guidelines provided within the entry system, in order to ensure that your work is properly represented during all three tiers of the American Advertising Awards competition.

AAF Lexington 2024 American Advertising Awards.


The drive to create often intersects at the delicate crossroads of impostor syndrome and the pursuit of perfection. Endlessly weaving between the two, many fall to victim to the gravity of the ultimatum and stop creating all together.

What a shame — the art that wasn’t created. The book that wasn’t written. The song that wasn’t recorded—all casualties of a nagging inner voice citing non-existent expectations.

The truth is, don't overthink sh!t. Create sh!t, even if the result sometimes is sh!t. As Saul Bass aptly put it, “I want to make beautiful things, even if nobody cares.”

But here's the good news, AAF Lexington cares deeply about your sh!t: the good and the bad. So, don't hesitate to submit it all. You have until 11:59 PM on Sunday, January 14 Thursday, January 18 to send it in. And we can't wait to see it.

Check aaflexington.com for continued updates as we bring the latest on the competition, your judging team, and the gala. But, go ahead and save the date for Friday, February 23. 😉


No Physical Entries Required!

Entries will be judged digitally again this year. Upload any files that you think will help judges understand your work. It may help to think of submissions as portfolio pieces: show all sides of work, submit photos of the finished piece (not flat art files), and so on.

Professional Entries

AAF Member: $90
Non-Member: $120
Rates apply for single entries. Each campaign entry has an additional $20 fee.

Student Entries

AAF Member: $30
Non-Member: $35
No additional charge for student campaign entries.


You can submit entries starting December 1, 2023. The last call for entries will be January 18, 2023 (per the deadline extension).

Rules & Categories

Both professional and student rules & categories can be found here.

DON'T OVER THINK SH!T: The 2024 Gala

Mark your calendar for Friday, February 23, 2024. You’re invited to an unforgettable night at the 21c Museum Hotel! Get ready for an open bar, hor d'oeuvres, and discounted rates on rooms.

Best of all? Your returning co-hosts for the evening will be AAF Lexington's daddy du jour Dan Livingston and his bedazzled little buddy Adam Taylor Brown.


This event is made possible thanks to a supportive creative and business community. If you are interested in sponsoring this year's American Advertising Awards, please reach out to treasurer@aaflexington.com

