Online Entry
& Judging Portal
Don't have an account? Choose an entry category below to begin. Logged in users may also click these to submit additional entries.
Returning Entrants: click here to access your past submissions or select a category from above to make an additional entry.
Judging for the American Advertising Awards will be conducted online.
In some categories, entrants are allowed and/or required to upload additional digital examples of an entry. This is intended to provide more appropriate content for the judges.
Please carefully follow all online submission guidelines provided within the entry system, to ensure that your work is properly represented during all three tiers of the American Advertising Awards competition.
Entries are due by February 7.
Drop off physical entries at the Little Rock Technology Park on Thursday, February 7.
You can find out information about Rules and Categories here.
Electronic entries can be completed all online.
Entry fees (checks payable to AAF-LR):
- Members $80
- Non-Members $100
- Students $30
You can pay by check when you drop off physical entries. If you wish to pay online by credit card, you can do so here: (We ask that larger agency submissions please pay with check.)
For questions about entries contact Ross Cranford at